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Youtube Video

Youtube Video

YouTube has been one of the most popular website to view all kind of videos posted by people around the world. Just enter the YouTube website and you can search virtually any kind of videos on the subject you like.

With embedded HTML code and video streaming technology, you are able to watch videos directly from your browser. You are also able to post text comment or a video response to the videos, view other related videos and upload your own video as well. With lots of features given, unfortunately there is one feature that YouTube does not provide and that is to let you download the video.

But here is a trick to let you download and save the video for offline viewing.

1. Go to any YouTube video you are watching. Right click on page and select the "View Source" option from the menu. Or "View Page Source" for FireFox browser.

2. Press "CTRL + F" to search for a word "player2.swf". And notice there is a HTML line like this:


3. Replace the "/player2.swf" to "" and it will become:


4. Paste it to the "Address Bar" at top of your browser and press "Enter". Then it will prompt you to save the video. REMEMBER to name your video with the ".flv" extension at the end of the filename. A correct example would be something like "myvideo.flv".

Keep in mind that the video you have saved just now is in Flash Video Format. It is the standard file format YouTube use to play video on their website. So, your Windows Media Player might not able to play the video. But no worry, what you need to do is just go to and search for "flv player" and there are couples of Free player available. Just download and install it on your computer you will be able to watch the video you saved just now.

OK, now grab the popcorn and enjoy the movie!

Find out how you can retrieve a download link of YouTube video automatically at

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It lets users send and read messages that are known as tweets

Twitter is a free social network and micro-blogging service. It lets users send and read messages that are known as tweets. Twitter was launched by Jack Dorsey in 2006. Since its launch, Twitter has increased its popularity worldwide. With its wide reach and variety of users, it is the reason marketers have turned to Twitter to help expand their business at no cost. Getting started using Twitter is not as simple as it may seem. So, with that in mind here are five tips that to keep in mind when using Twitter for marketing purposes.

1. Choose A Meaningful Username- If possible use your name mixed with your companies name, or just make it creative but meaningful. Make sure it is easy to find and easy to remember.

2. Brand Your Twitter Page- Don't leave your Twitter page boring and plain. That will make you look like the average person, and you don't want that. So, with that in mind, get creative when creating your page. Make sure to add a logo, your contact information that will be helpful for customers or visitors that go on your page. One good place to go to is

3. Learn The Basics- When you begin to use different media for promoting your business, you always want to take some time and learn the basics functions of the platform. For Twitter it is to (tell the world "What's happening"). You have 140 characters or less to express your thoughts. Anyone who goes on Twitter for the first time may become overwhelmed, frustrated and confused at all the information being displayed in a short amount of time. So, keeping that in mind you would want to familiarize yourself with Twitter and see all of the functions it has. If you go to, it will guide you to through Twitters basics of how to maximize your experience with Twitter.

4. Add Followers- When using Twitter, you have to have followers. This is the most important and time consuming part of Twitter, especially when you are using this for marketing. You can always download your contacts from your e-mail accounts and add them to your list of followers on Twitter, although that might not be the best idea. The reason for that is because you are trying to attract new people to show them your product or service. A good way to add followers is to decide on a niche. Then search for key people with your niche. An idea would be to follow people that are well known in the field of marketing. Once you follow them, you would start following their followers. Keep in mind, anybody who follows you, you should follow back. It is proper etiquette.

5. Automating Your Tweets- When you are sing tweeter for business purposes you don't want to be spending the whole day sending tweets. You can use tools such as,, and, to help you automate and manage different aspects of your account. These tools can help you do things like identify people who are not using their accounts actively, it can help you manage your direct messages, you can set a schedule for when you want your tweets to be posted, and unfollow people who are not following you. If you use these tools properly you can really cut down on the amount of time you spend on Twitter each day.

6. Don't Make It All Business- Keep It Social- You don't want to use Twitter to promote your business all the time. That is a big mistake a marketer can do, and Twitter will suspend your account if you use it for spamming purposes. You can focus on other things like providing information, useful information, and updates that will be useful for people. Building relationships is an important concept to keep in mind, because people rather buy from someone they know and trust. First become their friends, then as the opportunity comes up you can start offering your services or products.

7. Time Management- When you are using Twitter for business reasons, you want to make sure you are using it with a business approach. Have a routine in mind, so that you do not spend a lot of time using Twitter. You can do this very easily by using the software suggested. Schedule a few posts a day (5-7) about newsworthy topics, quotes, or humorous things. After about a week or two start adding tweets directing people to your sales page (1 or 2 daily). Make sure not to post to many links to your capture page, people don't not like to be sold.

By following these guidelines provided, it will help you maximize your experience and your business using Twitter. With the automation suggestions given, you can think of Twitter as a rest from advertising, but remember to always treat it with caution and professionalism. And finally, enjoy what you do with Twitter and meeting new people.

Norbey Broquis is a successful entrepreneur. He is dedicated to helping you create financial freedom using the power of the internet. Wealth is created by those who are willing to change themselves and step out of their comfort zone to get what they want in life. His passion is to help others who have a burning desire to become successful in achieving their dreams and goals. You have the power to succeed and do anything in YOUR life that you want. Take a look at what is working for him -

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Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom

Nouriel Roubini (Istambul, Turquia, 29 de março de 1959) é um economista turco, de origem judaica, naturalizado estadunidense, professor da Stern School of Business da Universidade de Nova York, desde 2009. [1]. É também presidente do grupo de consultoria RGE Monitor, especializado em análise financeira.
No início dos anos 2000, Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom ou Doutor Catástrofe, [2] em razão das suas previsões econômicas catastróficas - ou, pelo menos, muito mais pessimistas do que as da maioria dos economistas, na época.
Em 2005, segundo a revista Fortune, Roubini afirmou que "o preço dos imóveis residenciais surfava em uma onda especulativa, que brevemente faria afundar a economia." "Naquela época, foi qualificado de Cassandra. Agora, é considerado um sábio." Suas previsões atuais são igualmente apocalípticas: uma recessão persistente, com mais de dois trilhões de dólares de perdas em créditos e uma crise bancária sistêmica. "O FDIC gastou 10% das suas reservas para socorrer IndyMac, e esta foi a primeira onda de falências," diz Roubini. "Será que daqui a pouco não teremos que socorrer o FDIC?"

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